Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Not so little anymore....

My little girl, what happened. She just seems to be growing up faster each week. You always hear they grow up too fast, but then your stuck in the terrible two's and it just doesn't seem possible. Then all of a sudden they're asking if they can hang out with their friends and get dropped off at the mall.

And then comes the make-up thing. I look at her and just smile cause she has no idea how beautiful she looks. She wants to ruin that with make-up. She gets to wear mascara and lip gloss. And still she insists she's the only girl in America her age not allowed to wear make-up.

She's borrowing my razor, asking what to use to wash her face, wearing my sweatpants and shirts. Seriously. How does this happen.

But the one that threw me over the edge, was when she asked this week for me to buy her some "self tanner", huh, is all I could muster.

I know I can't stop it, I know I might actually love it once she gets past that teenage thing, but right now I'm wishing for that magic wand that could take me back to baby gap size 2T.


Kellie-n-Sterling said...

I'm right there with ya, I have two of them wearing my clothes. But the worst thing for me now, is that I have no little ones in the house anymore. It's kinda sad, to not have the sound of a little voice in my house anymore, time just goes too fast! Am I going to have another one to hear that little sound again??? Oh heck no!!! But I do miss it. All I hear now is you can't wear that and Shut up A LOT!!!! UH Teenagers!!! Okay... They are pretty amazing at helping and way more fun to go to the movies with!

Omgirl said...

It seems so mind blowing to me that Daphne will ever be that big. But then I realize I actually remember Sacoya being a 2T! I guess it will happen to me too before I know it.